Friday, December 13, 2013

Joel Taylor

Joel Taylor was a 14 year old who went to my church back in 1994, in Middletown, Maryland.   I was his Sunday School teacher.  He was definitely one of the kids in the class I got to know well during the brief time I knew him (about 4 years.)  The two of us used to talk sports, and talk Jesus, all the time.

In 1998, I relocated to McDonough, Georgia, and lost touch with him and his family.  I wish more than anything that I had stayed in touch.

In 2007, Joel committed suicide.  Through social media, I have reconnected with 2 of his brothers over the past few years.  It is obvious that Joel went through a bout of depression, but no one really knows what was going on in his mind when he took his life.

For some reason, God has put Joel on my mind a lot today.  Joel was 27 years young when he died.  Once, Joel and I were at the Francis Scott Key Mall in Frederick, Maryland, for a sports memorabilia show.  Out of the blue, he told me, "Mark, if for some reason anything happens to either of us, please know I will be looking for you at the baseball card shop in Heaven one day!"  

Joel, if Heaven has any technology above and you are able to read this, please know just how much you are missed!  Yes, I will be looking for you in that baseball card shop when my number gets called!

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