Sunday, January 12, 2014

Trust and Obey

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." ... Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

So often, while scrolling people's profiles on social networks, I see that bible verse listed under people's favorite quotations. I have known these verses for many years, but really never stopped to examine them closely, and how to apply it to my own life.

Many of us, including myself often want to claim these verses as a promise within our own lives, particularly verse 6. "He will make your paths straight!" How awesome is that! No more winding around roads getting lost. No more scary curves in the road afraid we're going to fall off a cliff! I remember driving a U-Haul from Columbus, OH to Tempe, Arizona, in order to help a close friend make a move out there a number of years ago. Crossing the Rocky Mountains is no fun. Up and down, back and forth. No emergency lanes on the side of the road, only extremely deep cliffs. But God promises to make our paths straight!

However, we are very quick to ignore the first parts of these two verses! TRUST in the LORD will all your heart! Lean NOT ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING, in all ways ACKNOWLEDGE (or TRUST) Him!

TRUST IN THE LORD. Why is that so difficult for so many of us? I think back to a recent challenge in my life trusting God in the area of finances, when He was telling me to TITHE! He wanted me to give back to Him 10% of any income. Truth is, if it weren't for Him, I never would have had the income to begin with! But a month into tithing, my pickup truck broke down, non-repairable. I came home devastated, but still made my weekly tithe that evening. The next day, I received a check in the mail for $1000.00, from a friend I have not seen in just over 30 years (former high school classmate.) It was said in a letter with this check that God had led him to write the check, but didn't know who to write it to, or why, until he read on social networking about my truck situation. He went on to thank me for my encouraging posts over the previous few years, and said they had actually help him grow stronger through some difficult situations on his family. All glory to God!

So, next day, I spend $1100.00 on a used soccer mommy type of van. Let me say this perfectly clear, I am NOT a mechanic. I should have prayed about this purchase, and I should have taken a mechanically inclined person with me before I made this purchase from an individual. But I didn't. Three days later, the front passenger tire goes flying off the van as I'm driving 65 miles per hour down the Interstate going to work. Long story short, it was taken to a mechanic, and $1200.00 worth of repairs later, it was safe to drive again. But ... I checked my checking account when I got home, and saw that yet another friend had sent $1000.00 to help out, as a loan. God really does provide to those who obey Him!

LEAN NOT ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING ... yes, sometimes we have to stop worrying, wondering, and doubting. We have to have faith in God, and that His plan will work out, maybe not quite how we had things planned, but trusting that God knows best!

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