Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Times, They Are A Changin!

As most of you know by now, this past Easter marks a life-changing milestone in my life. After turning my back on God for the past twelve years, I consciously made a decision to re-dedicate my life to Him. This came after an Easter Worship Service at Cypress Wesleyan Church, in Galloway, Ohio.  God has been working in my life a LOT since then. He is changing my heart a LOT. My love for football could no longer be number one in my life, as it had been. It's okay to enjoy football, but not to make the sport a god higher in priority than God almighty.

Many of you are also aware of Jeremy ... quick update ... he has recently relapsed, and is no longer staying in my home. He continues to remain in my prayers. I urge you to be praying for him as well.

I just got off the phone with a friend of mine who lives out of town. This friend will be visiting in less than a couple of weeks. He started talking about things he wanted to do while he's here. The casino ... I explained to him that I no longer have a desire to visit the place ... not condemning those who do, but I no longer feel as though God approves of me gambling away His money. Yes, His money ... everything in my possession ultimately belongs to Him!

He then talked about wanting to go to Thurman's Burgers ... thumbs up from me on that idea! He even mentioned the possibility of Der Dutchman (a nearby Amish restaurant) ... double thumbs up on that one!

He then went on to start asking my opinion on the 3rd weekend of September. You see, this friend, as well as another friend who now lives in Virginia, started a tradition several years ago. They would meet me in Cleveland that weekend, and the 3 of us would go to a Browns game, to celebrate my birthday. I explained to this friend that to be honest, the thought of going to a game right now just does not get me excited. Whoa, did I really just say that! But honestly, yeah ... then, after talking about that for a bit, I realized that God is wanting me to take some time off from actually going to a game ... in order to help break my addiction. Perhaps it's okay to watch on TV for now ... but going to a game does nothing for me at the moment. Once my priorities are truly in order, then perhaps in the future we can go to a game together again ... but just not right now.

The friend understood completely, says he understands and respects my decision. He then came up with an alternative idea ... each friend would visit me here in Columbus, and each one would go to church with me. A smile came across my face, and immediately these words came out of my mouth, "Yes, that would mean much more to me than any football game!"

I hung up the phone after that conversation ... and immediately I looked up at God above, and prayed ... "Lord, I have no idea what all you're up to in my life ... there's been tons of changes going on lately ... I still don't understand the Jeremy situation completely ... but you're definitely working in me. I thank you and praise you Lord Jesus!"

"Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." ... Luke 22:42 (NIV)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

PLEASE Be VERY Careful What You Post Online

"Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God - even as I try to please everyone in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved." ... 1 Corinthians 10:31-32 (NIV)

The closer I become with God, the more careful I am about what I share or do not share via social networking (in my case: Facebook and Twitter.)  I have never really been one to post anything containing vulgar language, anything sexual in nature, or anything that would cause my own Mother to blush.  Well, for the most part, that's been the case!

I have a deep passion for the game of football.  I am a Cleveland Browns fan, and an Ohio State Buckeyes fan.  Several years ago, I posted a photo on my Facebook wall which had a caption that included the phrase, "Muck Fichigan!"  I thought that was innocent enough, since the actual vulgar words were never actually used.  But my Dad in Georgia felt otherwise, and was so offended, he blocked me on Facebook.

I am a sinner.  A sinner who has been saved from an eternal Hell because of the blood of my Savior Jesus Christ.  I am definitely not a perfect man.  I have made, and continue to make, many mistakes in life.  

Maurice Clarett, a former running back for The Ohio State Buckeyes football team, and a member of the 2002 National Championship Team, recently visited Cypress Wesleyan Church.  Pastor Ken Murphy interviewed him through the service.  At one point, Maurice stated that there was an area in his life where he knew he was living in sin, but no longer wanted to live the life of a hypocrite, preaching one way, yet living another, so he made a conscience decision to repent of the sin.

Recently, I have been convicted by God of how I have been treating the fans of both the University of Michigan Wolverines, and Pittsburgh Steelers.  I had grown to despise the fans of both teams so much, I actually developed a true prejudice and hatred towards anyone who claimed to be a fan of either team.  I have asked God's forgiveness, and that forgiveness He has given.  I followed up with asking forgiveness of those who I know I have hurt.  I am sure there are many others who may never hear my apologies.  I was wrong.  Very wrong.

From 2003-2008, I was the President of the Buckeye Chapter of the Browns Backers Worldwide organization.  In 2003, we had approximately 40 members.  When I resigned 5 years later, we had over 1,500 members.  As a part of what I felt was "charging up the troops", I would send letters to the editor of the local newspaper, stating that I felt all Steelers fans should be castrated, and would only support a politician who would agree that it should be illegal for any Steelers fan to marry outside their species.

In the beginning, my comments were only meant as humor.  Something to get our fan based energized.  But the more I spoke or wrote the words, the more the feelings became a true part of who I was.  And that, my friends, is a bigot.  I was prejudiced against a person simply because of a sports team they rooted for.  It was no longer just friendly banter ... but again, it became a true hatred!

I even got to the point where I justified my attitudes with God, and actually felt as though He approved.  I was only fooling myself.  God NEVER approves of hatred of another individual.  We are ALL made in His image.  If we hate another human being, we hate Him as well!

I know that my feelings were the extreme of a typical sports fan.  Most sports fans never get to the extreme that I did.  However, I shared this story just as an example of the types of things we post online.

In a recent Outreach Prayer Meeting, I shared with the group my feelings that social networking, if used in the correct manner, is able to reach more people for Christ, in a shorter time period, than at any other time ever in history!  But if people reading posts about Christ also see a hypocrisy within us, then we are just wasting our time.

I urge everyone reading this ... PLEASE be very careful as to what you post on social networking websites.  Keep everything very family friendly!  Ask yourself before posting, "How's Jesus going to feel when He reads this post?" 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Serving Others ... Not An Option to Say No!!!

On any given day, there are approximately FIFTEEN THOUSAND
homeless men, women, teenagers, and children  just in Columbus, Ohio alone!

My Christian background is filled with my serving the Lord in varying capacities. Youth Pastor at a small Baptist Church. Director of Youth Ministries for the local Baptist Association of churches. Fellowship of Christian Athletes volunteer. Youth for Christ volunteer. Athletes in Action Volunteer. One theme that surrounds most of these ministries have to do with young people and/or sports. I love Jesus first. I also love sports. But I resigned from youth ministry because in my heart, I felt like I did not have the love for youth that was required to be fully effective for God. I do not regret that decision ... for God had other plans for me in my life.

"Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone, and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it. Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said,“why did you doubt?” And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.” ... Matthew 14:22-33

When I allowed Jeremy to come into my life, it was crystal clear from God. He was going through a rough time in his life. I had been blessed in my past, and it was time for me to pay it forward! No brainer. But taking it a step forward and devoting a lot of time to the homeless population of Columbus, Ohio, was terrifying. No God, I don't think this is for me! Can't be! It scares me! Perhaps, I have never been like Peter above, and asked Jesus, "Tell me to come to you on the water!" Perhaps I was trying to walk on the water without His guidance!

Over the past year, I've had a heavy burden on my heart to help start and be involved with a Christian Men's Ministry. Because of the vast amount of time spent in prayer on this matter, I know this desire is not my own, but from God. Reviving a "Promise Keepers" type of ministry, where men could join together, worship, be energized, and renew their commitments to be Godly men of Faith! And a big part of being a Godly man is serving others.

So what others are we to serve? Honestly, I think God gives us free will to choose. The list of needs is long. But what is important is that we all serve Him by sharing His love with others! Sometimes, He is specific. I pray daily for my friend Barrett Todd, and his family, as God has made it perfectly clear to them that He wants them in Haiti serving. The Todd Family couldn't say no ... it was not an option for them. They love Jesus and have committed to following Him, no matter what God asks of them.

Over the past year, I have visited three separate tent cities in Columbus, Ohio that are filled with homeless people. Multiple times.  On any given day, there are approximately 15,000 homeless people living just in the city limits of Columbus!  FIFTEEN THOUSAND!!!  I have learned so much from them. For instance, Faygo tends to be their soft drink of choice! Visit a tent city and offer a can of Faygo (no matter the flavor ... just not Mist!) You will surely see a smile on the person's face that may be the only smile they share all day!

I've got splinters on my rear from sitting on many logs, as some of these people have been eager to share their stories of how they got to this point in their life. Others are very distant and quiet, not trusting anyone. I can understand that as well. But at the very least, I'll offer them a smile, or a handshake ... sometimes, the smallest of gifts are the most valuable!

Christians ... and churches ... we must ALL pray for repentance ... that we have not been doing more of what we should be doing.

James 2:14-17 states: "What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead."

Whenever this men's ministry gets rolling, one very important part of the ministry will be serving others! Putting on jeans and boots, and climbing the muddy trails of some of these homeless tent cities would be a great start. Not to go in to preach, for many of their hearts are hardened. But to go in and just SHOW Christ's love by loving them! Some people reading this love to camp. Imagine this ... you go on a camping trip, and the camping last for a year. After the first week, you are out of food and out of clean clothes. Imagine how you would feel if a total stranger comes up and hands you a sandwich. Or a clean pair of socks!  You would be thrilled!  You would be thankful!  You would praise God above!

Last December, Pastor Ken preached a series entitled "Socks and underwear: not what you want, but what you need" ... trust me, the homeless both need them AND want them!

Last night, I was at an outreach prayer meeting where I heard a woman share the following story. She loves going to garage sales. Anyone who has ever been involved with a garage sale know that we never sell everything. Many times the leftovers are given to Goodwill or another charitable cause. Many times, the leftovers wind up in the landfill instead. Whenever this woman goes to a garage sale, she makes her purchases, then hands the person a list of local charities that will accept their leftovers. She even offers to go back and help them load it up and take it to the charities!

If you live in Columbus, Ohio, please email Karen Sexton.  Karen would love to share with you many different opportunities in the Columbus area that need volunteers.  Many homeless shelters need people to share not only a meal, but a smile as well!  There are women's shelters which need volunteers.  She would love to share with you the statistics of women and children trafficking that take place, yes, even here in Columbus.  It's not just in third world countries, it's happening everywhere.  We MUST get out and get involved.  What will you say when you get to Heaven and God asks you, "Why didn't you?"

... Lord, please forgive us for not getting out of our comfort zones and doing more to serve You! Please open our eyes and hearts, and show us where you would have each of us serve you! Please remove any fears we may have of the unknown when it comes to homeless people. Please teach us all to love others as You have loved us! In Jesus' name, Amen!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Christian Men

To all men who call themselves a Christian: I am writing you today to say that is it time to stand up, become leaders within your home, love your church and your families like never before, and start praying like never before! It is time for a true revival, but it can not begin without YOU! Christian men are vital to the health and success of society, of the home, and of the church, and we need to stand up and be counted as Christian men!

In his enthusiastic foreword to Robert Lewis's book, Raising a Modern-Day Knight, Stu Weber writes: "Our culture is in deep trouble, and at the heart of it's trouble is it's loss of a vision for manhood. If it's difficult for you and me as adult males to maintain our masculine balance in this gender-neutral' culture, imagine what it must be like for our sons, who are growing up in an increasingly feminized world.

Manhood, in our society today, has become a joke. Homes are falling apart, immorality is taking over our world, and teaching your sons to be men has become "politically incorrect."

For the past year or two, I have spent a large amount of time trying to serve God by helping a number of homeless people. No matter who I talk with, there seems to be a concurring theme: "None of these people have deep relationships with their Dads!" Therefore, they have no role models. They lose their vision in life. They trust very few.

In Genesis 19, Lot didn't stand for God before his family, and his wife and kids learned to love the world instead of loving God. Children today are very good at making dad feel old-fashioned and oppressive for demanding a level of conduct in their lives. It's hard to stand sometimes, but a Christian man must.

Some in the world may hold the idea of "manhood" in low esteem, and "Christian manhood" even lower, but rest assured God is not in that number.

Would God say the same about you that He said about His friend Abraham, "For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD...." Gen. 18:19

May God help us to be Christian men, striving for the ideal set forth by these two wonderful examples in God's word!

I am going to be going before my church in the near future with a vision. It may be small, but it will be a start. I am going to propose that we start having a monthly meeting of men. Saturday mornings. Serve a light breakfast, enjoy some Christian music and fellowship, and listen to a different well respected man share with us each month on the topic of "How to be a Real Man!" Because of a number of contacts I've had in the past when I was setting up charity autograph appearances with former Browns and Buckeyes players and/or coaches, I know of a number of Christian men from the sports world, which would surely draw men together. Some months, it might be a director of a Homeless Mission. Some months, it may be a Christian politician. (Yes, there are a few of those!)

I am NOT going to ask the church to foot the bill for these meetings. I've done a cost analysis for food costs, and if we average 50 or more men a month, we can feed everyone some eggs, bacon, fruit, toast, and coffee for $3 per person. That is a small price for a man to pay once a month. If someone is in financial straights, no problem, the meal will be on the house. 

About 20 years ago, Promise Keepers made a huge movement through men's ministries throughout America.  But it was short lived. Today, men are once again starting to slip away. We need to once again stand up and reclaim our churches, homes, and society!

Who's with me?  Can you say, as Joshua said, "as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15