Tuesday, June 18, 2013

PLEASE Be VERY Careful What You Post Online

"Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God - even as I try to please everyone in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved." ... 1 Corinthians 10:31-32 (NIV)

The closer I become with God, the more careful I am about what I share or do not share via social networking (in my case: Facebook and Twitter.)  I have never really been one to post anything containing vulgar language, anything sexual in nature, or anything that would cause my own Mother to blush.  Well, for the most part, that's been the case!

I have a deep passion for the game of football.  I am a Cleveland Browns fan, and an Ohio State Buckeyes fan.  Several years ago, I posted a photo on my Facebook wall which had a caption that included the phrase, "Muck Fichigan!"  I thought that was innocent enough, since the actual vulgar words were never actually used.  But my Dad in Georgia felt otherwise, and was so offended, he blocked me on Facebook.

I am a sinner.  A sinner who has been saved from an eternal Hell because of the blood of my Savior Jesus Christ.  I am definitely not a perfect man.  I have made, and continue to make, many mistakes in life.  

Maurice Clarett, a former running back for The Ohio State Buckeyes football team, and a member of the 2002 National Championship Team, recently visited Cypress Wesleyan Church.  Pastor Ken Murphy interviewed him through the service.  At one point, Maurice stated that there was an area in his life where he knew he was living in sin, but no longer wanted to live the life of a hypocrite, preaching one way, yet living another, so he made a conscience decision to repent of the sin.

Recently, I have been convicted by God of how I have been treating the fans of both the University of Michigan Wolverines, and Pittsburgh Steelers.  I had grown to despise the fans of both teams so much, I actually developed a true prejudice and hatred towards anyone who claimed to be a fan of either team.  I have asked God's forgiveness, and that forgiveness He has given.  I followed up with asking forgiveness of those who I know I have hurt.  I am sure there are many others who may never hear my apologies.  I was wrong.  Very wrong.

From 2003-2008, I was the President of the Buckeye Chapter of the Browns Backers Worldwide organization.  In 2003, we had approximately 40 members.  When I resigned 5 years later, we had over 1,500 members.  As a part of what I felt was "charging up the troops", I would send letters to the editor of the local newspaper, stating that I felt all Steelers fans should be castrated, and would only support a politician who would agree that it should be illegal for any Steelers fan to marry outside their species.

In the beginning, my comments were only meant as humor.  Something to get our fan based energized.  But the more I spoke or wrote the words, the more the feelings became a true part of who I was.  And that, my friends, is a bigot.  I was prejudiced against a person simply because of a sports team they rooted for.  It was no longer just friendly banter ... but again, it became a true hatred!

I even got to the point where I justified my attitudes with God, and actually felt as though He approved.  I was only fooling myself.  God NEVER approves of hatred of another individual.  We are ALL made in His image.  If we hate another human being, we hate Him as well!

I know that my feelings were the extreme of a typical sports fan.  Most sports fans never get to the extreme that I did.  However, I shared this story just as an example of the types of things we post online.

In a recent Outreach Prayer Meeting, I shared with the group my feelings that social networking, if used in the correct manner, is able to reach more people for Christ, in a shorter time period, than at any other time ever in history!  But if people reading posts about Christ also see a hypocrisy within us, then we are just wasting our time.

I urge everyone reading this ... PLEASE be very careful as to what you post on social networking websites.  Keep everything very family friendly!  Ask yourself before posting, "How's Jesus going to feel when He reads this post?" 

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