Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Christian Men

To all men who call themselves a Christian: I am writing you today to say that is it time to stand up, become leaders within your home, love your church and your families like never before, and start praying like never before! It is time for a true revival, but it can not begin without YOU! Christian men are vital to the health and success of society, of the home, and of the church, and we need to stand up and be counted as Christian men!

In his enthusiastic foreword to Robert Lewis's book, Raising a Modern-Day Knight, Stu Weber writes: "Our culture is in deep trouble, and at the heart of it's trouble is it's loss of a vision for manhood. If it's difficult for you and me as adult males to maintain our masculine balance in this gender-neutral' culture, imagine what it must be like for our sons, who are growing up in an increasingly feminized world.

Manhood, in our society today, has become a joke. Homes are falling apart, immorality is taking over our world, and teaching your sons to be men has become "politically incorrect."

For the past year or two, I have spent a large amount of time trying to serve God by helping a number of homeless people. No matter who I talk with, there seems to be a concurring theme: "None of these people have deep relationships with their Dads!" Therefore, they have no role models. They lose their vision in life. They trust very few.

In Genesis 19, Lot didn't stand for God before his family, and his wife and kids learned to love the world instead of loving God. Children today are very good at making dad feel old-fashioned and oppressive for demanding a level of conduct in their lives. It's hard to stand sometimes, but a Christian man must.

Some in the world may hold the idea of "manhood" in low esteem, and "Christian manhood" even lower, but rest assured God is not in that number.

Would God say the same about you that He said about His friend Abraham, "For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD...." Gen. 18:19

May God help us to be Christian men, striving for the ideal set forth by these two wonderful examples in God's word!

I am going to be going before my church in the near future with a vision. It may be small, but it will be a start. I am going to propose that we start having a monthly meeting of men. Saturday mornings. Serve a light breakfast, enjoy some Christian music and fellowship, and listen to a different well respected man share with us each month on the topic of "How to be a Real Man!" Because of a number of contacts I've had in the past when I was setting up charity autograph appearances with former Browns and Buckeyes players and/or coaches, I know of a number of Christian men from the sports world, which would surely draw men together. Some months, it might be a director of a Homeless Mission. Some months, it may be a Christian politician. (Yes, there are a few of those!)

I am NOT going to ask the church to foot the bill for these meetings. I've done a cost analysis for food costs, and if we average 50 or more men a month, we can feed everyone some eggs, bacon, fruit, toast, and coffee for $3 per person. That is a small price for a man to pay once a month. If someone is in financial straights, no problem, the meal will be on the house. 

About 20 years ago, Promise Keepers made a huge movement through men's ministries throughout America.  But it was short lived. Today, men are once again starting to slip away. We need to once again stand up and reclaim our churches, homes, and society!

Who's with me?  Can you say, as Joshua said, "as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15

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