Saturday, April 13, 2013

Unsinkable: Don't Go Down With The Ship (Week 2)

Wow, Cypress continues to just amaze me! Went to a Saturday night service this week, due to other commitments tomorrow morning. It was week 2 of the Pastor's "Unsinkable: Don't Go Down With The Ship" message. First of all, I was shocked at just how full the crowd was for a Saturday night service! Also, God spoke directly to me tonight in the area of "relationships". I am truly blessed to have a small handful of people in my life that I know I can call at 3 in the morning if ever needed. (And no doubt they would do the same!) I was also convicted as to why "J" is in my life right now. I always thought it was because he needed me, or what I had to offer. But no ... now I realize that I am the one who needed this unique relationship in my life. (OR ... most likely, we BOTH needed this right now.) But as for me, I can honestly say that I am the one being blessed. However ... this season shall soon come to an end ... IF I don't get certain things in my life right with God. Prayers sought, please! Thanks!

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